Saturday, July 5, 2008


In my town, someone with an ax to grind, apparently, is posting some negative stuff regarding the volunteer fire department. That is his or her right. Some of the stuff might border on libel, but I'll let the lawyers deal with if I wish. However this poster, in apparent seriousness, is trying to argue that some of those on the volunteer fire department should be kicked off on morals clauses. Now if the morals clauses were along the lines of drunk firefighting, I could understand it, but this person was using the allegation that a firefighter might be having an affair as the reason that person is unfit to serve.

I hope he is not serious because that is one of the more asinine things I have ever heard. If my house is on fire and my children need to be rescued, the only thing I care about is whether the firefighter is able to save my children. Ultimately that s all that matters

The poster, however, tried to defend his point by noting that volunteers and public employees who work with children go through background checks and are held to moral clauses.I suppose you can argue that someone who deals with children on a regular basis should be held to a higher standard, but frankly, as long as coaches, for example, don't drink, curse etc in my child's presence I really don't care what they do in their off time. I don't care if they are liberal or conservative, gay or straight, like to drink alone, look at porn and anything else legal that the moral police might find offensive when they are on their own time; it's none of my business.

This is a fairly diverse community with a large variety of views on what is or is not morally offensive. Some have no trouble looking at near naked women at the beach, others won't even shake hands with a member of the opposite sex because their religion forbids it. That is their business, not ours. While I think I might question a drunk EMS worker driving me to the hospital, I really don't care if he or she is an adulterer.

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