Saturday, September 13, 2008

If pigs could fly and put on lipstick

The last few days, where the GOP has attempted to Swift Boat Obama have been fun but the GOP needs to be careful. They need to change their tune soon and get back to the issues. I can't believe I'm not the only one who is noticing that the GOP hasn't said anything substantive of late as they pander to the low hanging fruit.

I want to hear about how McCain's policies will be different than Bush. I want to hear about nation building here at home where we have crumbling infrastructures that will need investments. I want to hear about how our veterans will get the care they need and have earned. Are we really going to keep focusing on the superfluous, rather than anything of substance, for the remainder of this election? It's obvious McCain's people hope we do, but I don't know.

While this does seem like his campaign strategy, I wonder if this will backfire. Sooner or later someone will notice all they are really doing is tearing down Obama to McCain's level without building up McCain to Obama's level. Already, to me, McCain is making Obama seem like the better leader, or at least the more mature and level headed of the two. All I'm hearing is Obama wants to discuss issues and McCain wants to talk about gaffe's Obama makes. 7 weeks is an awfully long time for people not to realize that McCain hasn't said anything about his health, tax and economic policies differ from Bush's or are at least better than Obama's.

Of course, few have ever gone broke under estimating the stupidity of the American voter. Fewer still have won elections taking the high road and remaining above the fray, at least lately. Too many of us believe whatever a political operative will tell us to believe instead of taking the time to judge the facts for themselves. Denigrating the intelligence of the party that hates science, supports Creationism, thinks the War on Iraq is God's work, and gay marriage will destroy America? Not a problem as long as you have some cosmetic issue to turn that around on as your defense. As has been shown in the past, taking the high road and sticking to honest politics will not get you elected.

I won't be surprised if Obama is dammed when he fights back, and is portrayed as an angry black man as only Republicans are allowed to defend themselves against smear attacks, or dammed if he remains above the fray and is deemed another John Kerry who is too much of wimp to fight back. Obama probably wouldn't have brought up the subject of McCain's houses if he were not attacked for being an elitist by an elitist. I also won't be surprised if McCain is portrayed as just another old, angry white man afraid of real change, with a reminder that wars aren't won by those not fighting, like dead soldiers or POWs, they're won by those doing the fighting, by the Democrats. I'll be sad, but not surprised.

We keep buying the same story, vote the same way and then act surprised when the expected different outcome doesn't occur. If this keep up, the only loser will be us, the American people, as our future challenges get put off for another 4 to 8 years. You can put lipstick on a donkey but it's still a jack--- (well, I'm sure you know what I mean).

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