I'm tired of the GOP whining.
They keep crying how health care will be the end of America, yet they are the guys who screwed up the country. They are the ones who sunk us into the largest debt in history. They are the ones got us into two wars which they then botched. They didn’t stop al-Qaeda before 9/11 or nail bin Laden after. Millions of Americans were put out of work and hundreds of thousands of American homeowners out on the streetsthanks to their polices . They tortured prisoners of war and green lighted the torture of American POWs by the bad guys. They whined and moaned about abortion, gay marriage and morality while keeping their own mistresses, or boyfriends, on the side.
If it is a choice between a party trying to do something and a party that is trying to do nothing, and is somehow proud of that, I think I’ll take the guys who are at least trying to make things better, rather than sit around on their fat sex scandal ridden butts and whine that they lost the last election What the US really needs the Republicans to do now is get out of the way, sit down and shut up.
Here is another wonder American who thinks anyone who does not live in rural America and swear allegiance to Jesus, Sarah Palin and their version of conservative values is not a real American. Unbelievable. Not so much that he was able to say this on TV; this is America after all and I'm not into censorship. What I find unbelievable is that these evil people have such a following. Yes, evil.
All these "conservatives" who make their living turning one group of Americans against another should be taken out back and shot for treason. It is fine to disagree but to say someone is not a real American because they don't agree with you is a bunch of bull. These terrorists, hiding under the cloak of conservatism, who are busy dividing the country on the basis of religion, urban v. rural or education by pandering to the lowest common denominator, are our real enemy. Yet we allow them to vomit their hatred with barely a peep because "uneducated, socially conservative, gun-toting, Jesus freaks" are the real Americans and the rest of us are not (although we were apparently good enough in 2001 when two of our cities were bombed by terrorists) because we decided to better ourselves in school, have a let and let live attitude regarding homosexuality, don't feel the need to bring our guns to church and are friends with those who may have different religious views then us -- you know, that whole freedom from persecution thing.
As to Sarah Palin, I just don't understand the so called conservatives' love of this woman (not to mention their sincere embrace of Joe the plumber as a party symbol). Her experience as mayor of a small town and as governor of a state with a population smaller than many major US cities has already shown her limited abilities and leaves me with no confidence that she can be anything more than eye candy on the national scene. Is there nobody who has the same general conservative beliefs with a brain and a bit of gravitas? An Alito or Roberts type who wants to run for President? Somebody who can keep Obama and the Democrats from getting too complacent. Taking anti-intellectual (Oh no! Elitists!), anti-science stances to attract a segment of voters couldn't have sidelined all the intelligent conservatives, could it?