You know times are tough for the GOP when the "liberal" NY Times feels the need to lecture them on how to defeat the Democrats. Well somebody needs to tell the GOP they better do something before they become as relevant as the Whigs. I'm over 40, married with children, white, have a family income in the 6 figures and am generally conservative -- smack in the middle of their demographic. Yet I'd be considered a flaming liberal by the party today because my views are moderate and would not find myself welcome in their tent.
Forget the negative attitude that current "leaders," such as Dick Cheney, offer in lieu of the optimistic attitudes of leaders such as Ronald Reagan. It's more then that. They seem to not want anybody who doesn't believe in no taxes, no gay marriage, no abortion, no regulations and no to schools not allowing Jesus in the classroom. Forget anything in the middle, such as a live and let live attitude on gay marriage and the necessity of some taxes and regulations to help us maintain our freedom, unless it is for weapons to bomb people we don't like to keep our military manufacturers employed. While I don't think government can solve everything, I see a place for it and sometimes think it needs to be more active then other times. Less active in the people's individual life choices, more active in keeping the country strong as a whole so I may remain free, even if it costs me a few extra dollars. For that, I feel unwelcome.
I think that some taxes are a necessary evil, as they pay for services that keep me more free. For example, paying taxes for school, welfare, police, fire etc is a lot cheaper then paying for those on my own and improve society as a whole. It benefits me if some government money is spent on stopping swine flu (or the next medical disaster) before it spreads and knocks out my employees or my children. It benefits me if my taxes educate my workforce so I don't have to (aside from basic training any new employee needs). It benefits all of us if our children can become contributing members of society, not just yes men or women to a foreign overlord because they have not been taught the skills needed for living in the 21st century. yet, according to some, raising taxes to pay down our debt and invest on potential domestic energy and manufacturing plants that may help us stay free and independent will enslave us, as if being forced to make policy decisions based on the wants of a foreign government who holds our debt will not. Personally, if I'm going to be forced to pay for something I disagree with, I'd rather it because a majority of my fellow citizens disagree with me and not because a foreign entity held a gun to my head.
Same with government regulations: I tend to think that my meat won't kill me because the government sent some regulators out and not because the free market works so well and I am incredibly pissed that a lack of government oversight let a few do so much damage to the economy that even innocent bystanders got taken down in the cross fire. I also don't think it is government's role to be involved with anything regarding the sex life of consenting adults, especially when they start enforcing their religious views on all. And I also don't like big deficits, at least when times were good. I can see a budget deficit in recession times, such as 2008 and 2009, when the government is trying to kick start the economy, but there is no reason to pile on debt when times are good and there is enough money available to pay for the government's costs (or at least come reasonably close).
There used to be Republicans (Reagan democrats) who felt as I did. A live and let live attitude for adults not bothering anyone, a pay as you go standard and a business atmosphere that allowed for savvy people to prosper without harming the economy as a whole. These days I see that on the Democratic side of the aisle (with the book still being out on pay as you go, I'll withhold judgment on that until the recession ends). The GOP is allowing a few hard cores to chase away those who could help it succeed in the 21st century. And unless we want another generation of one party rule, we will all be poorer for it.
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