So now that he has "won" on his birther agreement and gotten President Obama to produce the long version of his birth certificate, probably because the President figured he had gotten all the political distraction he was going to get from the issue), Mr. Trump has moved onto questioning the President's school records. So, what does his school records have to do with his being eligible to be president? Cough cough * * Affirmative action, questioning his intelligence like liberals question Justice Thomas's intelligence * * cough cough.
The GOP has nothing at the moment. Nothing. They have no plans aside from saying no to whatever the Democrats want, even when Democrats agree with them. So they play this race BS over and over instead of tackling the real problems.
Their candidates so far are a bunch of hacks just fattening their own egos (Trump, Palin), rejects (Romney, Huckabee) and people without original ideas (the rest). Not one of them can offer a legitimate plan that will be acceptable to all (hint: probably involves raising taxes AND lowering spending) on how they would lead the country in a new direction aside from repeating the failed polices of the past. Cutting taxes for their rich overlord campaign contributors (the Dems do it too but at least they are sneaky enough to do it without annoying their base by defending civil rights, entitlements etc), screwing the middle class, bombing some brown people for oil and hope it all works out can only work for so long. The Dems have the same problem in Congress so unless they can create a liberal tea party the status quo will probably remain.
At this point I, as a 43 year old middle class man, am looking at which party will hurt me less. There is a part of me that is really pissed that those over 55 will get away without having to sacrifice, even just a little, to pay for the mess they helped to create in Medicare/Social Security over the last 37 years of them voting (in general) to cut taxes and leave the debts to the younger generations. Then there is the other part that looks at my nursing home bound elderly mother's medical bills and wonders what the F would happen when that block grant money proposed by Ryan would run out by spring. These are issues worthy of debate in a conversation we need to have.
However, the media doesn't cover this, or even wonder what political motives were really behind the President's not releasing the long version of his birth certificate until now (probably has something to do with keeping the media chasing a dead story kept them from following up on real issues like why has the President gone back on many campaign promises has run its course). Instead we have to listen to Trump's pronouncements while the really tough issues are ignored for another day.
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