Recent polls show President Obama's approval ratings are taking a beating over the debt mess. I'm more upset with Congress, especially the tea baggers. Their idea of negotiating is putting a gun to the economy's head and tell us they'll shoot if they don't get their way. I don't think it's a coincidence that the recovery, which was barely starting, has stopped completely since those lying (notice how they have managed to put the mess from the time they ran both the executive and legislative branches onto the President's back) economic terrorists took power.
The Republicans do not represent the majority of Americans, and the Tea Party freshmen represent an even smaller faction. The Tea Partiers don't control the Senate. They don't control the executive branch. But they are willing to abuse their control of the House of Representatives to try to force the American people to accept cuts in Social Security and Medicare that the American people have soundly rejected. Americans know the current system is unsustainable, but it can't be fixed on spending cuts alone.
I'm a 43 year old, upper middle class white male. I am generally fiscally conservative. I should be smack in the GOP's demographic. Yet every year I feel they are moving further from me and my beliefs. I listen to them and all I think is how hard they want to make it for the middle class to survive as a middle class.
To paraphrase Ronald Regan, I didn't leave the GOP, they left me. They have managed to convince enough voters to blame President Obama for this mess that the Republicans and Wall Street have created. They have managed to convince Americans that taxing the rich is unfair when almost have the country doesn't pay federal income taxes, ignoring that the rich (however you want to define them) got most of the economic gains the last few decades while the majority of those who don't pay federal income taxes barely make any money to be taxed. However, I'm not easily fooled and know who to hold accountable (not that the Democats get off in my book, the debt was a bipartisian mess). I'm not going to forget all this hate from the GOP, from the birthers, the race baiters and the muslim haters all trying to destroy the President because of who he is and not what he has done, to those who want to turn the country into an uneducated third world country with little infrastructure. Come the next election it will be time to save the country from the evil that has taken over Washington.
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