Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Days are getting shorter

I got up for work the other morning and noticed something strange -- for the first time in about 4 months light wasn't streaming through the window into our bedroom. As the cool weather last week indicated, summer is coming to a close. In just a few more days the pool will close for another season and the children will be back in school (which means back to a normal rush hour, yuck).

It seems like we wait all year for these 12 short weeks here in NJ and then, before we know it, summer is gone. Already I noticed a few leaves in one of my trees changing colors and, like pumpkins growing on the farm down the road, the Halloween stores will soon be sprouting in shopping centers across town. Soon the jackets and sweaters will be pulled out of storage, I'll be hearing the cries of "I hate homework!" (my cousin's children in Maryland have already started) and I'll be leaving for work, at 6:30, in the dark again.

For now, though, it is still summer, and I get to leave for work with the sun up and somewhat mild temperatures and enjoy the peacefulness of walking to the bus stop on nice, late summer mornings. I can put off thoughts of slipping out of the house in the dark and being chilly for another month or so. For now I can still take late evening walks with my daughter and dog without a flashlight or jackets and enjoy the air. We still have the pool for a few more days. The BBQ has a full tank of gas, it's not dark when I leave for work and I'm still wearing my sunglasses. It is still summer for a few more weeks and I plan to enjoy what is left.

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