Friday, August 29, 2008

Great another lightweight

She is 43 years old, has tried marijuana, eats moose burgers and has a husband who works for BP (the oil company). Let's give it up for Sarah Palin! What is it with the GOP and placing unqualified lightweights at the top (or second from the top) of the ticket when there have got to be better choices? Is the GOP trying to say that a first YEAR governor, Sarah Palin (R-Alaska) of a state with 600,000 people in it, is the best Republican available for the vice presidency? Boy, that says a lot about the qualifications, or lack thereof, of every other Republican.

Dan Qualyle, George W Bush (say what you want but the party leaders, and not the people, chose a governor of a state where the legislature doesn't even meet every year, over McCain in '00) and now Palin. In each case the GOP could've chosen more wisely. After the last 8 years, I want qualified people in both the 1 and 2 slots (and yes, though I disagree with him, I think Cheney was qualified to be President).

Regardless of your political view, you have to agree this does take away McCain's inexperience/age argument against Obama. McCain has been saying Obama is too inexperienced and now he picks someone who is even more inexperienced, and with fewer accomplishments than Obama, for his vice-president. Before becoming governor she was a city council member and then the mayor of a community of under 9,000 people from 1992 to 2002 and then served as a statewide commissioner on an Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. That's it? My god, that just described quite a few mayors in New Jersey. I can't understand why the GOP would take an opponent's relative inexperiece and make him look like a senior statesman by picking someone with even more inexperience (aside from going to least damage to the ticket -- other candidates like Romney would've brought baggage).

Maybe Palin is qualified, I don't know much about her, but what I do know bothers me. Alaska is not the rest of the country. She has been governor of a wide spread state with fairly few people for only a year; that is not the same as being a Senator, both state and US, from a populous state. While she may have done much good, and has the potential to do more, she just does not have the experience at this time to run the country. Say what you will about Sen. Biden, he is qualified to lead the country if something were to happen to a President Obama. I don't have the same confidence about a potential President Palin.
Add in Obama's relative inexperience and McCain's age and all I see it that the GOP really blew it by picking another pretty face without much gravity.

Just goes to show that the GOP is all about being elected while the Democrats actually care about leading the country. Now they are picking a vice president based not on her qualifications, but because most potential GOP voters do not hate her? I may not agree with the other potential VP candidates but at least I felt they had the experience that is qualified to run the country in case something happened to a President McCain. While raising a family of 5 for the last 2 decades gives great life experience, it does not give governing experience. By picking a half-term governor from one of the smallest, and least populated states in the country, the GOP has made a half-term US senator from one of the more populated states in America look much experienced.

Palin may have excellent judgment and may be a good potential President. However her resume is quite thin at the moment, even thinner than Obama's. Yes she has executive experience, but so did George W. Bush -- and we saw how well that worked out. I have executive experience from my job, I've managed a million dollar budget for over a decade, am a board member of my temple and make decisions that affect many on a regular basis. That does not qualify me to be president.

I'm voting for judgment and by picking someone so inexperienced McCain just showed me his judgment, or at least the GOP's judgment, is thinner than I thought. The Vice President is an under study who could get the staring role at any time. We can't let the GOP place another inexperienced person in position to run the country. The GOP did this to us in 2000 by giving us George Bush over a much more qualified John McCain. We can't let them do this again.

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