Thursday, March 21, 2013

Goofy Old out of touch Party

Open message to the GOP:

It is very easy to see why the GOP is in decline, at least those who just drink the conservative Kool-Aid and nothing else. The GOP is dead until they become the party of small government that doesn't get into people's bedrooms. The GOP says they are into individual rights over group rights on one hand while on the other interfere with a person's most intimate life decisions. Don't like homosexual marriage? Don't marry a homosexual. Don't like abortions. Don't get an abortion. Want your children to go to a school where they pray to Jesus every morning, where they teach the bible or creationism as fact? Send them to a religious school. You don't do anything to inspire the people who probably agree with 90-95% of the GOP platform. You force many of us who want to vote for the Republican party to vote for the party of big-government social justice because of your attitudes that reflect a culture war that essentially ended decades ago.

The GOP has offered neither a strong intellectual argument or a convincing emotional one to convince people to vote for them. Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity do not even begin to compare the conservative intellectuals like William F. Buckley or Irving Kristol of the last century. If your tent is not big enough for Republicans like Chris Christie (basically those from states with large urban populations) because he dared jump off the bandwagon for five minutes because he realized that the destruction NJ suffered after Sandy was more than one state could bare alone, then you have no future.

There are so many legitimate issues to fight Democrats on such as drones, spying, unfair taxes etc. More and more people just don't care about gay marriage or abortion. The bible is book on how to get to heaven while on earth, not rule the heavens and earth. There is no pent up demand for the type of conservatism many have deluded themselves into believing is wanted and the sooner you realize the better off this country will be. There will be no true opposition party otherwise, unless the RINOs either kick the "conservatives" out or form a third part that will make the current GOP as relevant as the Whigs.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Going Over Poorly

The GOP is trying to figure out what they did wrong last fall to lose to the Democrats. They've concluded that it is because they don't hang out with the people enough. That is only partially correct.

The GOP is perceived as a party more interested in telling women what to do with their bodies while telling gays what they can't do with theirs all because they rely on a book that may have been the most scientifically advanced work available 2,000 years ago -- the bible is a guide how to get into heaven, not rule the heavens. At the same time they work hard to make sure a few thousand people don't have to pay a "death tax" while screaming that the country will go broke due to "entitlements," such as unemployment insurance that working people have been paying into, if we don't have cuts in spending and taxes, ignoring that taxes have been getting cut for decades. 

What happened to the party that railed against Democrats interfering in a person's private life because they felt government shouldn't be involved in an individual's life? Why have they become the party of telling you how to live? You don't like abortions? Don't get an abortion. You don't like homosexual marriage? Don't get married to a homosexual. How hard is that?

This is a party that loves the ignorant and calls those who want to know more than they are told elitists. They have become so unbending in their philosophy that they dismiss any of their own who might agree with the opposition to help those they represent as not conservative enough.  Under their watch income disparity between the richest and poorer has intensified, making it more and more difficult for the poor to rise to the middle class. Finally their speakers have no problem making subtle racial jokes at the same time the country is getting more diverse.

I am in my mid 40s, white and my family income puts me in the top 10%. I should be in the GOP's cross-hairs as a firm supporter, yet their policies have repelled me so much I feel I have no choice but to vote against them. If they can't get me, how do they expect to get the future voters?