Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Hamas Concentration Camp? Blame Israel of Course.

Another article blaming Israel for Hamas and Gaza for shooting themselves in the foot for lobbing bombs into Israel that give liberals a bad name to protest Israel turning Gaza into a concentration camp through their occupation. It also touches on American Jews for giving money to Israel for the horrible nation building they have done over the last 65 years while the Palestinians through faults of their own and their own outside supporters have done nothing but play the victim card. When the Jews said never again after holocaust, they meant it. Tired of being the victim every time a country decided it was time to blame the Jews, the only thing left to do was build a place of their own, which many did not appreciate and still do not.

Israel left Gaza almost a decade ago. It is no longer occupied, except when Gaza attacks Israel and the IDF goes in to defend their nation.The Gazaians (is that a word?) has spent the last decade building and lobbing bombs into Israel instead of building up their infrastructure. Why? The stated goal of Hamas is to wipe Israel off the bat. Period.

I am not talking about the Palestinians. I am not talking about the 20% of Israel's population that are Israeli-Arabs with full citizenship rights. I am talking about Hamas. Hamas who happily accepts civilian casualties and even invites them by using human shields. You can say Israel is heavy handed, maybe she is. But don't ignore the little fact that Hamas is using the Palestinian people for its own goal. When you mess with the bull, you are going to get gored. In Hamas' case it is the civilian people which is horrible. But Hamas doesn't care about them. Those deaths look good for their propaganda and supporters.

What do you think the US would do if Mexico started lobbing bombs on a regular basis into Texas or California? Do you think the federal government would allow Houston or San Diego and its suburbs to be attacked without retaliation? If so, you are naive.

If Hamas laid down their guns and bombs there would be peace. If Israel did the same she would be wiped off the maps and the Jewish population massacred. And if you want to compare Gaza to a concentration camp, well Israel is not the only nation on Gaza's border.

If Gaza is a concentration camp, it is a camp of Islamic making. The Muslim nations have launched several genocidal war of extermination against the Israelis  since 1948. They lost them all. There are consequences to starting and loosing wars of aggression.

In the wake of those wars the Muslim nations drove out the Jewish populations, at least the portions of the population they did not kill. Israel took in those refugees and settled them in Israel. In contrast, the Muslim nations did not settle the refugees who fled Israel and what were then the Palestinian lands in 1948. They interred them in camps, and did so to score political points, displaying a complete disregard of the human suffering they created.

There is injustice on both sides. Both sides deserve to have their own land, and to live in peace. But it is ridiculous to blame all the the violence on Israel. They have the sovereign right to shoot back at people who fire missiles at them, and the camps were of Muslim making.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Net neutrality

Dear FCC,

In the last few decades, our economy has vastly changed to an online economy. From almost everywhere, people can work, shop, research, watch movies etc. online. A key component to this ability is broadband internet access. Sadly, due to many circumstances, most of the US is subject to the whims of their cable providers as the sole provider of internet access. Even sadder, this industry, unlike phones, electric and water, isn't regulated for the public good so the industry has taken it on itself to throttle down internet speeds unless people give them even more money, both the content provider and the content user.

Imagine if the same happened to electricity or water. Imagine if we told factory B they can't have the water pressure they need, even though it's available, because they haven't paid their ransom (which is what anti0net neutrality really is). We'd be laughed at as a 3rd world country. Yet that is exactly what is happening to the internet.

Bad enough the cable industry doesn't have any incentive to offer the higher speeds offered by our nation's competitors, they now want to damage our economy for their own profit by making it more difficult for the constructive demolition that has marked our economy's ability to change with the times as new businesses come in to replace older businesses that don't adjust fast enough to changing times.

These broad band internet monopolies are bad for our economy. While I understand there is not much that can be done about the lack of competition at this time, you can do something. Don't let broad band companies throttle back internet speeds for those who can not pay for the high speed lanes. We are an online economy, this plan can only harm it. Furthermore, I propose the FCC regulate the internet providers similar to the way other public good industries are regulated. Don't let the K Street lobbyists win, do the work of the people.