Monday, June 23, 2008

Oh [bleep], [bleep], [bleep], [bleep], [bleep], [bleep] and [bleep]

Goodnight funnyman. George Carlin was one of the few people who truly understood that free speech means putting up with ugly, hateful speech too. He had a lot to say, and not everything that I agreed with, and many, colorful, cynical ways to say it. He cared about humanity, he cared about America, he cared about things enough to make fun of them and get angry about abuses. He was a curmudgeon if there ever was. Maybe he wasn't as funny the last few years as his health problems and the death of his wife obviously affected him, but I still looked forward to his cable specials (never saw him live). What's sadder is that I don't see that many comedians willing to take his place.

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