Sunday, June 21, 2009

Blame Canada

We can blame our lovely weather of late on Canada, or more specifically a stubborn high pressure system over Canada. It is not so much that we've gotten a lot of rain, but that we've had a lot of cloudy, cool days with some rain. This whole spring has been nasty. I lost count of the number of little league games and practices that got rained out this year.

More recently, it has rained 18 out of the last 21 days (and I think the last week of May was cool and rainy too). In June we're usually cooking on the grill, eating outside, wearing shorts and going to the pool. This month I've cooked on the grill once, have not bothered to take the chair cushions out of the deck boxes since May, am still wearing a jacket and haven't been to the pool club in weeks.

I'm tired of being cold. Last Monday evening I mistakenly wore only a light wind breaker to my son's little league game and froze. My car has a feature where you set the internal temperature and a few days the heat has gone on instead of the AC. I guess the only bright spot is I haven't really had to use the AC in the house (it pops on now and then but not like a normal June). Bring on summer!

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