Thursday, May 26, 2011

Welcome to public school. Please have your credit card ready

I just read an article about public schools charging students to just walk in the door and take basic classes due to cutbacks in government spending. I'm not talking about charging a student $100 to play in the band, I'm talking about charging a student to take a math class. What has happened to our society that we became so greedy that we don't see the wisdom in increasing taxes to invest in our nation's biggest asset: its' people?

One of the good things about this country has always been the opportunities allowed for the poor to pull themselves up by their boot straps and succeed. How will this be possible in the future with these type of cuts as even blue collar manufacturing jobs require some sort of education? We are dooming ourselves by planting the seeds to be like every other nation with a permanent underclass that under performs on the world market with shortsighted steps like this. Education is what helped made us a super power. What good is it to the US if we doom the next Einstein to working as a store greeter because the student couldn't afford to take the proper math and science classes when he or she was in high school?

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