Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The middle class is for liberal pansy pinheads

Proctor and Gamble has decided it is too much of a gamble to continue creating and marketing goods to America's disappearing middle class.

You want to look for someone to blame for the disappearing middle class America? Look in the mirror America. No one forced you to vote against your own best interests for the conservatives that have spent the last 40 years convincing the American worker that unions, which gave us the 35 hour week, health benefits, vacations, work safety rules etc are bad for the average worker so corporations can make more money and create jobs overseas. You let your bigotry, hate of education and love of ignorance, praying that a possibly non existent deity would take care of you over a "liberal" government that actually would provide health, education, social security and clean air to destroy what was good for you. Congratulations. Your "brilliance" will be one for the history books.

And before you get too smug upper class, you might want to remember that many of the liberal income redistribution programs through taxation came about to prevent a more violent and immediate income redistribution program by the greatly larger lower and middle classes.

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