Friday, February 10, 2012

Better morals will take care of the unemployment problem

Working-class America is having a bad time of it, traditional jobs, wages, and benefits have contracted mightily. However, according to conservatives, these bad times can be solved not with on-shoring blue collar jobs that have moved overseas or better training for new careers, but with better morals. Puritans have been saying that since they landed here. They were wrong then and they're wrong now.
The Republican party is the party of the selfish. They want to hold onto what they have, and they are not concerned about people who don't have it. A feudal system would make them extremely happy. These conservatives  are the same people who encourage cutting and gutting and locking as many poor kids out of education as possible, paying them poor wages after outsourcing the better paying jobs, and not leaving them a future to envision. And yet, those who don't have anything will vote for them any way.

The only way I can wrap the idea of lower middle class folk one paycheck away from Government assistance and bankruptcy voting for those who want to keep them down is that by most worldly standards and all historical standards we have the wealthiest "poor" people right here in America. Let's face it. Most "poor" people have access to shelter, clean water and food, plus luxuries like a way to keep fresh food fresh, heat for their homes and entertainment devices that the ultra rich of 200 years ago would consider luxuries. People aren't hurting enough to really get upset, yet

Not everyone in Occupy has figured out what has farked them over, but most know of the giant scam the financial elite have been pulling. These kids have been told their whole lives: "study hard, go to college... do you wanna flip burgers for a living? The debt is an investment in your future." And then what does the market offer them on that promise? Burger King applications. That has to be completely crushing to them but also takes away jobs from the low-educated graduates that should be working at flipping burgers.

Democrats...Republicans... Both are equally corrupt and money hungry. But, at least one of those sides isn't corrupt, money hungry, AND inhuman. I'll vote for the human every time. Arguing for better morals does not change the little problem that for certain people of a certain skill set, there are 5 unemployed people for every job opening.

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