Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I want to vote for someone better than me

I've heard many reasons for why some people are now supporting McCain/Palin, who weren't for McCain before: she's more conservative, both socially and fiscally, she's anti-abortion, she's pro-religion; all good reasons if that is what floats your boat. However the dumbest thing I've heard has been people saying they will vote for Palin because she is just like them, a hockey/soccer mom. Not to insult hockey/soccer moms but "WHAT"? That's the reason they feel she is qualified from being a heartbeat away from being one of the most powerful people on the planet? Are these people on dope or are they just dopes?

This doesn't apply to every hockey mom, who sees themselves in Ms. Palin's harried life but still disagree with her stance. I'm also not talking about those you generally agree with Governor Palin's views and are thrilled that she is a hockey mom like them too. I'm talking about those who think that just because she is a hockey mom she deserves to be Vice President. My children play sports so I know many coaches and parents. Most of them are great folks to hang around with. They're pretty much like me. That doesn't mean I think they are qualified to lead the US, much as I don't think I'm qualified to lead at this point in my life and if I ever vote for a President or Governor based on whether I'd like to hang out with him, than I hope the Board of Elections revokes my voting rights (I make an exception for local offices, with such small towns I may very well be having a drink with my Mayor).

With the energizing of their base, I can now see a certain logic for picking Palin, even if she is obviously unqualified for the national stage at the moment (I hope the campaign includes a crash course in federal government). And I guess time and investigations will tell whether any of the potential scandals are real or just part of the usual political garbage and presumptions and lies we get this time of the year. Hey, the job is to get elected first. And if you correctly judge that more voters vote with their heart and not their brain, you might as well go for it. It doesn't mean I think much of those voters. They're the ones who got this country into the mess we're in in the first place -- voting for the incompetent they thought was like them and not the better choice.

Yes, that's right. I'm talking to you voters who voted for Bush over McCain in the GOP primaries in 2000. Thanks for handing the keys to an intellectually incurious former drunk, who seems like a nice guy, over a maverick who, usually thinks for himself.

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