Saturday, January 17, 2009

Politics as usual in NJ

Recently, a town's representative on the Regional High School District Board of Education resigned "saying the politics of some members and a too-powerful team of administrators were getting in the way of good decision-making."

Why is anyone surprised? Granted, we're only hearing one side of the argument, but this seems to be another example of how things stay the same. Those who want to do right find they can not. Those who want to do something unpopular that will adversely affect those in power, or their friends, find themselves personally and professionally attacked (as seen on various message boards on the net). Money and energy is wasted if filing lawsuits or attacking members of governing bodies (I'm expanding beyond the school board here) instead of actually doing the work that is supposed to be done.

The biggest stories in this area lately, so it seems, has been the use of the term doctor incorrectly by the school superintendent and a lawsuit by another town, that has seemingly gone on forever, against their former attorney that is costing God knows what in lawyer fees. Anyone who opens their mouth against whoever is in power is viciously attacked and then delegated to some corner. That is if they are not somehow sued by politicians annoyed that the citizens criticize their actions. This results in many of us deciding not to participate as we don't want to put ourselves or our families through all the crud that is politics as usual in this area, making us all poorer. How many of us have seriosuly thought I could do something to change things but for I don't have the stomach to play the dirty full contact politics that would cause Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich to blush.

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