The Washington elite have sold out the Tea Partiers and Occupy Wall Streeters yet again. Nothing will change until we get money out of politics. However the Supreme Court has ruled that the financing of the First Amendment, sponsored and corrupted by ABC Corporation, by their finance masters does not allow this. Democrat. Republican. It doesn't matter, except one side is less interested in what goes on in your bedroom then the other. They're all beholden to their corporate masters and are barely hiding this anymore even though it is destroying the country by withholding investments in infrastructure and people (look at how much it costs to go to public university compared to just a generation again).
Any person who really wants to end this corporate financing of campaigns doesn't stand a chance under the current system. The corporate driven Supreme Court has basically twisted the Constitution into allowing those with fortunes to steal the country under the guise of free speech, ignoring that free speech that costs large sums of money to be heard is not really free. And then, when the little people, dare to call out the bankers and others who have essentially destroyed the country (and I'm not blasting the banking system or bankers in general, just those whose personal greed profited off of the misery of others), they are derided as slacking, dirty, un-American hippies. Meanwhile, mainstream media, usually owned by corporations, choose to not connect the dots between the corporate masters seeking to pit American against American as they deflect the blame from themselves while sending their minions out to discredit a movement that, frankly, speaks more for those who shop on Main Street over Wall Street.
A free nation can not remain free if money is all that matters. Inequality will harm us all. The sooner that We the People remember this and do something about it, the better. Unfortunately, that will not happen until change is difficult, as many of us older and educated victims are too busy just holding onto what we have, squirreling away every last dime for our children's education, no longer paid for by society, our retirement, also no longer paid for by society, or the inevitable layoff, which the elite say is so good for us that we don't need un-employment insurance, and by then it will probably too late.
People aren't mad at Democrats. They aren't mad at Republicans. They are mad at a system that concentrates the wealth to a few while assigning the risk to the many. They are upset with a system that rewards social greed by increasing inequality, rewarding the top 1% with 40% (or whatever number is being thrown around today) of the nation's wealth at the expense of individual freedoms and liberty, social justice and accountability by elected officials to the other 99%. They are mad at governments around the country who have cut muscle and bone out of higher education, raising tuition fees at public universities to levels that make it harder and harder for our youth to get the education that they will need to compete in the world economy and candidates for president who are apparently OK with this.
And they are furious at a system run by corporate agents, with favorable government policies legalized by those agents, that ignores the concerns of anybody without a fat checkbook that threatens to undermine the legacy created over 200 years ago that allowed all people (well, mostly white men, but that's another story) to live and prosper in what was once the freest and wealthiest nation on Earth.
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